Evergreen Alumni Spotlight: Rachel Chambers

As a continuation of our new “Be Evergreen” motto, we wanted to highlight an Evergreen Beauty College alumnus who exemplifies what the motto means. This month we had the opportunity to get to know Rachel Chambers and her incredible story. She has worked incredibly hard and overcome so many trials; we hope her story touches you as much as it touches us!

Journey to Beauty School

Rachel had always wanted to go to beauty school, but she put those dreams on hold for her family and to help provide for her kids. She worked for 11 years building houses before the housing market crashed, and that’s when she had her opportunity to look into pursuing her passion for beauty.

Rachel is the type of person who explores all of her opportunities and avenues, so she interviewed at a few beauty schools before making a decision. She sat down to interview at Evergreen and felt an immediate connection with the staff. They were so welcoming and accommodating, and helped Rachel explore her financial aid options so that she could afford beauty school. Evergreen Beauty College is a family business, and she said you could definitely feel the personal touch that comes with it.

Evergreen Education

Rachel was an outstanding student during her time at Evergreen Beauty College. She worked hard, learned with intense curiosity, and explored every opportunity that she was presented with. While she was a student at the school, she entered a student of the year competition and placed third out of the entire United States and Canada.

Professional Life After School

Life after beauty school was when Rachel faced a few challenges. Finding a salon that was the right fit for her turned out to be harder than she thought it would be. After looking into a few places that didn’t work out for her, Rachel found a salon that invited her to do a working interview. She felt like she didn’t do very well, but the interviewer noticed the way that Rachel would correct her mistakes and brought her on board! She worked extremely hard at this salon as a beginning stylist, and quickly found her special talent for smoothing treatments.

Rachel found her niche in at the salon and really played to her strength. After only three months, she was recognized as the most-requested stylist at the entire salon! Nobody else was doing smoothing treatments like she was, so within her first year she was also able to become an educator for Keratin Complex! This allows her to have the opportunity to travel the country to teach people about becoming better stylists and beauty professionals. After so many challenges along her career path, she found her voice and passionate talent.

Continuing Career

After three years at her first salon, Rachel decided to open her own salon in Stanwood, Washington named Identity Salon, which is close to the new Evergreen campus we will be opening in Mount Vernon! Rachel now has a whole team of people that she can work with and mentor, and even has an Evergreen alumnus that she is mentoring! Clients who visit Identity Salon leave nothing but raving reviews, and we know this is because of Rachel’s passion and love for helping other people. We’re excited to see where she takes her incredible career next!

Advice For Future Students

We asked Rachel for advice she would like to share with future beauty school students, and she shared some amazing insights:

Cosmetology is not an easy career, but it’s a fulfilling and rewarding one. If you have passion, you won’t work a day in your life. Work hard, have fun, and fail because that’s what it’s about. Succeeding and growing is what you’ll learn from, especially outside of school. Don’t give up, you’ll get there!”

We couldn’t agree more! Cosmetology is a career centered around helping other people. It’s not always easy and sometimes failure will happen, but you can make your career the way you want it. Rachel’s positive attitude about learning from failures is why she shows what it means to Be Evergreen!

Join The Evergreen Family

Evergreen Beauty College is a family business built on family values, and that’s why we strive to help our students to be successful. If beauty is your passion that you’d like to build a career out of, join the Evergreen family! We offer courses in cosmetology, hair design, esthetics, makeup, barbering, and nails to meet your needs. Schedule a tour to learn more about our programs and how you can change your life!

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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