How to Get The Best Barbering Techniques

Being able to provide a customer with a great haircut means doing more than grabbing a pair of scissors and cutting away at hair: the very best barbering techniques involve listening closely to customers in order to find out exactly what they want.  Whether your trade in the beauty industry only occasionally involves haircuts or whether you do it all day, it is important to have the basics down.

Training Required

In order to get any of the techniques that a barber will use on any type of hair, it is necessary to first go to a barber school or a beauty college in order to take the coursework that sets you up for the job. Different states have different standards about what it takes to become licensed.  In some areas, you may need a thousand hours of class time, while others require double that.

  Classes range from how to identify different types of hair to using the various tools that trim and curl and shave away hair on the face and scalp.

Barbering Tools

While scissors are the standard tool for nearly any cut, a barber also needs to understand how to use a razor to cut hair along the scalp and chin.  Other tools include the chairs that customers will sit upon, a broom to sweep up all the excess follicles, and hair treatment products like shampoos.

Start With the Basics

Any barber that is about to give a customer a haircut will section off their hair in order to attack it from different ways.  A head of hair can be divided into half a dozen different zones, or as few as two (a front and a back).  This allows the barber to use different combs, scissors, and razors for the different parts of the head.  Elevating the head at an appropriate angle is key in order to get the right shear in and get a level cut.  If you want more information on hair cutting and beauty tips, check out our site here for updates.

If you are looking to start a career as a barber, you’ll find yourself in great hands at Evergreen Beauty College. Our accredited institution offers students access to the most cutting edge and current barbering techniques used in the beauty world today. If you are looking to enroll in a cosmetology course, contact us.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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