Let the Sunshine in!! Enjoy the seasons without skin damage

Let the Sunshine in! Enjoy the Seasons Without Skin Damage

After a year of quarantine, seclusion and virtual relationships, getting outside in 2021 and enjoying the spring and summer seasons is especially appealing. The sun is shining, the flowers are growing, and the birds are inviting you out to enjoy the fresh air. Our experts at Evergreen Beauty College offer some tips to help you enjoy the sunshine using skin protection and avoiding skin damage.

That Big Beautiful Ball of Fire

What is it about spring and summer that makes us want to get out in the sun, risking damaged skin? It feels warm and comforting after a long, harsh winter. It gives us that nice brown glow (more on that later), which helps us feel like we can expose more skin, and that just opens up more skin surface to damage. Clothes are more open and light, and life just seems better in the spring and summer, whatever your reasons.

The Sun and Sun-damaged Skin

Unfortunately, that tan glow is actually a mild injury to the top layer of your skin. More significant sun exposure can cause first-degree burns, as that first layer is injured irreparably and will likely peel off. If you really overexpose, you will get the dreaded second-degree burn, which is very painful because it destroys the second layer of skin and nerve endings. Your skin may blister up and the blisters can pop and become open sores, exposing you to the risk of infection.

As shown in this slideshow from WebMD there are many potential damages from excessive sun exposure.

Be smart When you Are Outside

Going outside thinking you will not be exposed to skin damage? You had better be properly prepared.

Always apply sunscreen before going out. Our experts at Evergreen Skin Care Tips recommend the best type of sunscreen to use. Always use at least an SPF 30. Reapply after swimming or excessive sweating. Shield your face with a ball cap or floppy big beach hat!

Symptoms and Treatments for Sun Damaged Skin

A Harvard Study on Sun Damage reports the three major symptoms that result from excessive exposure and recommends treatments.

  1. Dry skin: At the very least, summer causes dry skin. Use moisturizers each time you bathe. It will keep your first layer healthier and more resistant to drying and flaking.
  2. Sunburn: This can range from minor to second degree and can be extremely painful. Take ibuprofen to help reduce inflammation and apply cool compresses to alleviate specific pain areas. Use moisturizers with aloe vera to help heal the layers. A compound in aloe vera, aloin, has been shown in various research studies to help with the inflammation of the cells.
  3. Actinic keratosis: This is a rough or raised area of skin that might not seem apparent with your original sun exposure. Actinic keratosis develops in areas of skin that have undergone repeated or long-term exposure to the sun’s UV light and it is a warning sign of increased risk of skin cancer. Many people mistake these patches for psoriasis or eczema and do not become concerned. You will need to consult a physician or dermatologist to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Long-term collagen changes: These may include dark spots, fine lines, deep wrinkles, toughened skin, and easy bruising to frequently sun-exposed areas like the back of the hands and arms. Some of these may be treatable with the services of our experts and well-trained esthetic students at the Evergreen Beauty College locations.


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Sun Worshipers and More

Many, many people simply love being in the sunshine. You do not have to become a recluse or sit in the shade forever. Be smart and be prepared. Beach and lake communities are very familiar seeing the guy or gal that comes in with painful, lobster-red burns. Those individuals went out thinking they would be fine; they neglected to prepare. Then they joined a great beach volleyball match, got involved reading a book on the beach, or just rode around on the boat all day watching everyone enjoy water sports. If they had applied SPF 30 sunscreen before going out and reapplied after a few hours, they would be in great shape. Don’t be unprepared and take care of your friends and loved ones by making them use lotion and reapply too. You can always use spray tanners if you just love that brown glow.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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