How Long is Barber School?

Barber School

If you’re in search of a new career, now is the perfect time to enroll in barber school. Depending on your location, the typical program is comprised of 1600 hours of class work and hands-on training. Many students land good jobs even before they graduate. You can be one of them! Continue reading to learn more.

It’s interesting to note that many people think that most barbers are male. However, according to recent statistics, almost half of the barbers in the United States are female. So, there’s absolutely no reason to let your gender deter you.

Barber College vs. Cosmetology School

Although similar, barber college and cosmetology school are two separate educational programs. Barber College focuses more on men’s hair and short hairstyles. In addition, barbers are trained in the art of facial shaving, including straight-razor shaves. Cosmetologists generally are not licensed to perform shaving services.

In some states, it’s actually illegal to have a barber pole outside of a business unless there is a licensed barber on staff.

How Long Will It Take

Based on the 1600 hour time frame mentioned above, expect your schooling to last approximately 10 months. Many schools offer part-time or weekend hours as well. Shorter hours are great if you’re a parent or employed elsewhere. But, remember, taking advantage of anything other than full-time hours means that it will take longer to graduate.

What You’ll Learn

You’ll learn a wide variety of skills at barber school. They include but aren’t limited to:

  • the newest hair cutting techniques
  • razor styling
  • coloring
  • steam facials
  • permanent waving
  • facial massage
  • blow drying
  • marketing
  • customer service
  • retail

During class, you’ll be introduced to many knowledgeable people in the industry who will teach you the latest tips, tricks and techniques, which will help you stand out among the crowd. The beauty industry is quite competitive so it’s important to make a name for yourself.

All of these things together give you the knowledge and the tools to successfully pass your state barber exam. After that, the sky’s the limit as far as how successful you want to be.

As a trained barber, you’ll have many employment options. Maybe you want to open your own shop someday.

Or you might dream of cutting hair on a cruise ship. Both of these things are entirely possible, once you obtain your license.

Are You Interested in Becoming a Barber?

Does barbering sound like something you’d be interested in? If yes, we at Evergreen School can help you achieve your dreams of becoming a barber. Our cosmetology program teaches and supports the fundamentals of successful barbering. Whether you want to work as a barber or own your own barber shop we will provide you with the education necessary to guarantee your success in the beauty industry.

Contact us today to learn more about the program or to schedule a tour of the campus.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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