Tips for Choosing the Right Cosmetology School

Beauty is serious business. In order to practice in this field, one must get sufficient training and obtain the proper license. Everything starts with finding a good cosmetology school that can provide a solid foundation for a future career. Here are some suggestions on how to go about it:

Tuition Fees Charged by the Cosmetology School

Cosmetology schools have a wide variety of programs. Some are very short yet intensive. Others are long and more spread out. The length of time required to complete the course as well as the tools required for them will have a great impact on the cost. The more well-known schools may charge higher but they employ expert instructors and have state of the art equipment. These may be worth the money for a number of prospective students while others may view them as superfluous.

It all depends on what the person’s values and goals are.

Location of the Cosmetology School

Each state has its own policies regarding licensing and educational requirements. Taking classes in the state where you want to practice will help ensure that you get adequate preparation. Going local is also much cheaper than flying out to a distant place just to study, then paying for living expenses on top of the tuition fees. Do a quick search of the relevant institutions within your area. Most big cities have beauty schools that accept students from all walks of life. If money is really tight then go for the nearest options to save on time, money and effort.


We are fortunate to live at a time when information is so easy to acquire. Prospective students should take advantage of this to the fullest by finding the official website of cosmetology schools and reading up on what’s being offered. Pay particular attention to the curriculum’s structure as well the description of each course. These should provide a clue as to whether the program fits the end goal or not. For instance, those who are planning to specialize on a certain skill should locate a school that is known to focus on it.

Employment Support

Landing that first job can be tricky. Fresh graduates of any course may find themselves idle months after leaving school due to the lack of leads. The job market is also highly competitive so every advantage that can be gained is quite welcome. Plenty of schools have arrangements with local establishments which enable them to alert graduates regarding employment opportunities. They are able to match people with the right skills to job that fit them. Seek out a school that has this kind of placement program.


Many have begun to realize that the beauty industry offers great opportunities for those who have the creative touch and are willing to work hard to achieve their dreams. As a result, a lot of schools have sprung up over the years due to the demand for cosmetology courses.

Some of them are better than the others. It is difficult for outsiders to say for certain which ones are worth attending but people can always refer to the list of accredited schools published by reputable organizations like the National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences.


While the majority of the students tend to come straight out of high school, a sizeable portion of enrollees are adults who have already been working for many years. Personal circumstances often prevent them from quitting their jobs to focus on school so they have to find a way to be able to work and study at the same time. The priority in this case is to find an institution that offers flexible schedules, especially one that has night and weekend classes. This would allow students to work during the day and attend lectures afterward.


In order to reach a goal, it is oftentimes helpful to start at the end and retrace your steps back to the beginning. An example of this is checking out the job ads for cosmetologist positions to learn what it takes to get hired. Search for a cosmetology school that can give you the suitable credentials for the job that you wish to apply for. A certificate program will suffice in most cases but higher level work may require an associate degree. The latter involves more in-depth training that serves as good preparation for a teaching or managerial position in the future.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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