What to Look for When Touring a Beauty School Campus

important aspects of cosmetology schools

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Once you’ve found a beauty school you’re interested in, the next step is often to take a tour of the beauty school in question. Taking a tour allows you to get more information about the beauty school and see more about the school itself. However, you also need to know what you should pay attention to during your tour. Here are a few things to look for as you take your tour.

1. Employees Who Will Help Prospective Students

Are there employees at this beauty school who seem happy and excited to welcome prospective students? On the other side, do the employees seem detached and uninterested in engaging with you? Ideally, you want to see employees and teachers who seem like they’re happy about working and teaching at the school. That way, you know you’ll likely feel the same way when you make the choice to attend this school.

2. A Simple Campus Layout

This might be a less-important element, but you do want to be able to find your way around the beauty school campus as easily as possible. Ask questions about where classes are held, if the school has a salon, and whether you’ll need to bring your own supplies. If you start to get confused about the layout of the school, ask for help; it can be overwhelming at the beginning. However, you should be able to understand the campus layout after a short period of time.

3. Current Students Who Seem Happy With Their Experience

It’s common for a school to set up a tour when classes are actually happening. This way, you can see how people actually learn at the school itself. You’ll often be able to see people learning, working at the salon, and otherwise being on campus while you’re taking your tour. Don’t be afraid to ask these students how they feel about their education. Knowing more about current students’ experiences can help you make your decision regarding which school you’re going to attend.

4. Financial Aid Help Available on Campus

Does the campus have dedicated financial aid help available for people who need it? Even if you have scholarships or otherwise don’t think you’ll need financial aid help, you should still look for someone who’s there to help with financial aid. That’s because this shows whether the college is dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all students. You want to make sure you’re at a college that cares about its students, and having a financial aid expert available is a sign that the college really cares.

5. The General Atmosphere of the Campus

Last, but certainly not least, make sure you’re paying attention to the campus atmosphere. This isn’t something you can objectively measure. Rather, it’s something you can only really subjectively measure. Do you feel comfortable on the campus? Does it feel like the campus is meeting your various needs? Does it seem like the campus has the tools and knowledge you’re looking for? The more you talk to people on your tour, the more you’ll understand the campus atmosphere.

Evergreen Beauty College shares why touring the campus of your choice is essential, what to bring, what to ask, and your tour outcomes in their guide to taking tours.


key factors of cosmetology schools

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Beauty schools aren’t always easy to differentiate. It’s important that when you take your beauty school tour, you’re able to understand what makes a beauty school better than its competitors. If you’re thinking about attending Evergreen Beauty College, you can schedule a tour today. On that tour, you can find out about the campus layout, talk to teachers and students, and get a feel for the campus itself, making it a great first step toward your cosmetology needs.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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