Steps to Take Before Enrolling in Cosmetology School

Attending cosmetology school can help people achieve their dream of being a beautician, hairstylist or make-up artist.  As there are so many beauty schools out there, future students may have difficulty picking one over another.  For this reason, students should learn what they need to look for in a beauty school.

Assessing the Cosmetology School’s Curriculum

The first step in choosing a school is determining whether or not their curriculum is suitable.  In the case of make-up artistry, students will need to find out whether or not the school teaches special effects make-up.  There is no point learning bridal make-up if one wants to work on a television set.

Beauty technicians may want to know if their school teaches cosmetic procedures such as laser hair removal.  Some schools specialize in less skilled treatments such as facials and manicures. The easiest way to check what is in a course’s curriculum is to get a brochure from the school.  The brochure should list the information that is taught in the course.

Cosmetology School Accreditation

Currently, both accredited and unaccredited beauty schools are accepting students.  Studying at a school without accreditation is not recommended.  Employers tend to take qualifications from these schools less seriously than they do with accredited schools.

The benefit of attending an accredited school is knowing that the school meets guidelines regarding staff and educational quality.  The last thing students want to do is enroll in a school that does not teach them what they need to know.  This is a waste of both time and money.  Enrolling in an accredited school will ensure that students have the skills they need to be successful in the workforce.

How to Tell if a School is Accredited or Not

Students can check whether a school is accredited by calling individual schools and asking them.  Another option is looking for a list of accredited schools online.  Schools that have accreditation will not hesitate to tell potential students.  Most beauty schools are very proud of the fact that they are accredited as this is a big achievement.

Application Fee

Depending on the school that is selected, the applicant may have to pay a small application fee.  Once they are accepted into the school, they will need to figure out how they will pay their tuition.

Some beauty schools will have financial aid, scholarships and grant programs available.

If attending cosmetology school sounds like something you might be interested in, just get in touch with Evergreen beauty school for more details.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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