3 Hair Care Tips for Men

Women have spent their entire lives learning how to manage their own tresses, but most men have never given theirs much thought.

Hair Care Tips for Men

With just these three men’s hair tips, however, men can achieve and maintain a great head of hair. And it helps that none of them take too much effort!

Seek Professional Help

Does his Mom still cut his hair? Some men have never been inside a professional salon or had anyone trained to cut hair trim and shape their tresses.

No wonder they are looking so unkempt by age 25 or 30! The right hair cut is key, no matter if he wears his hair short or likes it a little longer. Regular trims and shaping can make hair easier to style and keeps it looking healthy. Shoot for a trim every four to six weeks.

Find The Right Products

Not all hair products come in pink bottles and are scented like lavender. More and more, manufacturers are developing product lines especially for men. Men, ask your stylist the best products for achieving the look you want, and invest in conditioners, molding creams or gels that suit your needs. In addition, have the stylist demonstrate how to use them. In most cases, they are more than willing to give you a lesson, and you can learn valuable insight about how to look like you just stepped out of the salon everyday.

Maintain Your Look

While regular trims go a long way in helping to maintain healthy hair, there are other things that are necessary to keep it looking fresh between trims. Men should wash their hair every other day, or daily if they hit the gym that often. Sweat, oil and even hair product build-up can all make hair look dirty and dull.

It should also be brushed daily if it is long enough, because even short hair can form tangles and knots.

By following these three simple men’s hair tips, men can keep any hair style looking great on their own. Putting forth a little effort when it comes to your hair can pay off.

How We Can Help

If you are a man looking to update your look, you’ll find yourself in great hands at Evergreen Beauty College. Our well trained students offer expertise salon services at a fraction of the price of other salons. Contact us today and begin your fabulous transformation.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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