A Bride’s Guide to Glamor and Beauty

Every bride wants to look her best on her wedding day. Read on for your head-to-toe bridal beauty guide to getting that perfect look for your wedding day.


Start to prepare a few weeks in advance by treating yourself to deep conditioning treatments. Getting a trim is fine, but don’t do anything new or drastic. If you want to make big changes, talk to your stylist before the wedding. If possible, have them do a practice style so you can wear it for a day and see how it feels. Tell the stylist what type of dress you are wearing and if you are going to wear a veil, as you want your look to you carefully chosen dress. If you are working on a tight budget, you can always get your hair done at a beauty school salon. That way, you will look awesome for less.


You may have difficulty finding the time, but make sure you get plenty of sleep in the weeks leading up to your wedding. No bridal beauty guide would be complete if it didn’t advise you that exhaustion and stress show up in the eyes. Schedule your eyebrow wax a few days before the wedding, so your skin won’t appear red or swollen.

Exfoliate your lips with Vaseline, or a similar product, and a dry washcloth. This will make them appear smoother, and prevent your lipstick from caking. Schedule an appointment with your dentist a few months before your special day to discuss teeth whitening options.


Discuss using a light bronzer with your makeup artist, and remember: less is more. You don’t want to be orange or fake-looking. If you plan on doing your own makeup, make sure you get a lot of practice before the weeding. Double-check with your stylist, who in a lot of ways is your stand-in bridal beauty guide, to make sure your makeup goes with the wedding’s overall palette.


Keep up your exercise routine and drink a lot of water. Going on dangerous yo-yo diets is bad for your health. Of course you want to fit into your dress, but material can always be tailored.

Change your clothes for your body, not the other way around.

Hands and Feet

A manicure and pedicure will look nice during your wedding, and if you plan on going somewhere warm for your honeymoon. No matter what type of shoes you are wearing, you should break them in beforehand, as your wedding day will be packed with standing, walking, and dancing.

Walk around your house for at least an hour in your shoes every day during week before you wedding. If they still cause you pain, you might consider finding a more comfortable pair of shoes.

Now relax and enjoy! Your wedding day should be blissful and exciting, and knowing you have prepared yourself will make it that much more fun.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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