Amazing Reasons to Attend Beauty College

renton beauty collegeEach year, thousands of students graduate from beauty schools. Some go to beauty schools for fun while others do it coz they have a talent. If you are considering joining a beauty school but are not sure whether you should go ahead and join or not, here are 10 reasons why you should attend a beauty school.

You Are Free To Be Yourself

It is well known that cosmetology is a creative field that attracts equally creative people. Each day at work you’ll have the unique pleasure of artistically expressing yourself, while creating amazing looks that will wow your clients.

Cosmetology School is an Ideal Fit For Working Parents

A myriad of hard-working Americans raising children are trapped in a seemingly endless cycle of nine to five monotony, slaving away desperately working to provide for their families—but missing out on the luxury of spending time with them. We don’t believe precious family time should be sacrificed for a paycheck. The great news is, once you complete your beauty school course work and graduate as a cosmetologist, you can often craft your own schedule. This is a prime reason why cosmology is increasingly popular among single parents and young families.

Course Duration

It is well-known that higher education comes with an astronomical price tag. Often those who spend years working on their undergraduate and graduate degrees unfortunately exit college with a truckload of student debt, and spend their first ten to fifteen years in the workforce slowly paying down the money borrowed for their education. Cosmetology school is a shorter program, which allows students to become qualified in a fraction of the time, and enter the work force. This allows beauty school graduates the opportunity to gain a ‘head start to financial stability and independence.

The Demand is Growing!

According to Labor Statistics, the demand for beauty school graduates has increased over the last decade. People love to look their best, and you’ll be responsible for helping them accomplish this task.

Plus, a loyal following means no pesky layoffs and increased job security!

You Get to Meet New People Daily

As a cosmetologist, you’ll be working with clients day in and day out. If you enjoy forging relationships and meeting new people, then you should consider enrolling in a beauty school to become a cosmetologist.

You Control Your Income

I’m sure you’ve heard your friends or relatives complain about how their bosses refuse to pay them what they are worth, or that they are not fairly compensated for the work they do. The good thing about becoming a cosmetologist is that you will directly control your income. The average earning potential for a cosmetologist is around $50,000 per year, but if you’re dead set on making more, simply work more hours and pick up additional clients.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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