BB Creams Are The Hottest Beauty Product On The Shelves

One of the latest beauty product trends to hit the market are BB creams.  These tinted moisturizing lotions are sold by a number of different makeup companies, and they have been getting a lot of attention from everyone from makeup artists to moms.

So What Are BB Creams?

In simple terms, a BB Cream is just a moisturizing lotion that also has a bit of foundation or tint in it.  While that may not sound like anything fancy, they represent a major change in the way we look at makeup.

The BB sounds mysterious, but really it stands for “beauty balm”.  They give you both protection and the same amount of blemish coverage as a powder or foundation.  The product has been around for decades, but until recently it wasn’t widely available in the US.  Within the last year or so, the products have become the biggest selling new cosmetic in years.

Tinted Moisterizers

Tinted moisturizers are nothing new – there have been many different varieties available for several years.  Many people like them because they are not as heavy as a tradition combination of concealer, foundation, and moisturizer.  However, BB creams take the idea of this handy beauty product a step farther.  BB creams often include additional ingredients like anti-aging serums, sunscreen, and dark or red spot concealer that help give a more even tone and look to skin in just one step.  Many of the products claim to promote the health of skin over time, giving you a more radiant complexion.

You Have Many Options

There are a number of different companies that offer BB Creams, so it is a good idea to try out a few different ones to find out which one best suits your skin type.  You can find versions that have extra anti-aging properties if you are concerned about wrinkles or skin which has lost firmness.  You can also find creams that are good for younger skin with sunscreen for extra protection.  This is one beauty product that everyone can love!

If you are looking for great skin care treatments as well as amazing skin care products, you’ll find yourself in very good hands at Evergreen Beauty College.

Our well trained students offer expertise skin care services at a fraction of the price of other salons. Contact us today and begin your fabulous transformation.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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