Choosing A Hair Color For Your Skin Tone



Choosing the right hair color for your skin tone isn’t easy. In fact, choosing a dye color because it is trendy or because you like the color on the box is how many of the most traumatizing haircare stories begin.

Choosing the Right Hair Color For Your Skin Tone

By following a few rules of the trade, however, you can make a choice that looks natural and flatters your face.

Stay in Your Natural Range

It is common knowledge that choosing hair colors that match your skin tone is the best way to get a dye job that complements your features. This can be simplified even further, though. In almost every case, your natural hair color is the most suitable for your skin tone. This means that staying within a few shades of your natural color is your best bet. Trying to change your hair color too drastically can not only damage your hair, it can leave you with a color that looks fake or harsh against your skin.

It is also important to note that your skin tone, like your hair, can change color as you age. Skin also loses pigment as you get older. This means that not only does your hair begin to turn gray, but the dye you are using to cover your gray hair may need to be altered, too. Your skin will become lighter as you age, and colors that once looked great may no longer suit your skin tone. In general, softer colors look better on women who are now naturally gray.

Determine Your Skin Color

Many women already know their skin tone thanks to the makeup they use. Others understand the concepts between being cool toned and warm toned but aren’t sure where they fit. There is an easy trick if you aren’t sure: Check the veins at the inside of your elbow while you’re out in the sun. If you have warm toned skin, they will appear green. They will look blue in those with cool pigments.

Warm toned skin means that you have more orange, yellow and brown pigments in your skin. Cool toned skin includes blue, green and purple pigments. If you have warm pigments, you will want to also use a warm hair color. The inverse is true for those with cool pigments in their skin. For example, golden blonde would better suit someone with warmer toned skin while ash blonde should be used on someone with cooler undertones.

Know When To Ask A Professional

If in doubt, consulting a professional is always recommended. A well-trained, experienced eye will be able to better judge how a color will suit you before you dye. This is because choosing the right hair color for a skin tone is actually a complicated formula that takes both color theory and chemistry into account.

Let Evergreen Do the Work For You

Evergreen Beauty College offers color treatments at its onsite student salon. Our students are well-trained, and all procedures are supervised by a licensed cosmetology instructor. Contact our salon today to schedule an appointment with a student colorist to ensure you get a high-quality color at a price that fits your budget.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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Victoria Addington
Victoria Addington
4 years ago

My friend asked me to help her find an affordable hair dye online since she wants to add a new touch to her hair. Thanks for your helpful tips on how to choose the right hair color for the skin tone. With that considered, I’ll relay your advice to her about staying within the shades of her natural hair color for a better look.