Exciting (and Lucrative) Cosmetology Job Opportunities for 2023

Cosmetology Job Opportunities

If you’re interested in cosmetology, 2023 is a good year to enter the field and pursue job opportunities. After graduating from cosmetology school, there are a number of paths you can take. Your hard work and education will propel you to success and into a career you deeply enjoy!

Hair Styling

Cosmetology training includes courses in hair styling. When many people think about what a hair stylist does, they say, “Oh, hair stylists just cut hair.” Cutting hair is only part of what a hair stylist does, though. A hair stylist evaluates clients’ scalps and hair, then makes recommendations about products to use which might help any conditions they have or solve any problems they may want to fix. In addition, a hair stylist has to know what hair style will look best on a client, and he or she must have strong communication skills in order to work with customers.

Hair Coloring Specialist

Hair color specialists are responsible for applying hair dye to clients’ hair. This position requires knowledge about how chemicals interact with each other as well as on human hair and skin. Much like a hair stylist, hair coloring specialists needs strong communication skills to work with customers, and they should also know what colors will and won’t look good on a client based on his or her hair color and skin tone.

Salon or Spa Owner

In addition to technical skills, cosmetology school can also teach students how to run a business. Some cosmetology school graduates will be interested in running their own salon or spa, and courses in how to run their own business will prepare them to open their own establishment. Running a spa or salon requires knowing how to cut and color hair, how to deal with customers, how to relate to employees and how to keep track of money and inventory.

Platform Stylist

For many cosmetology school graduates, becoming a platform stylist is a long-held dream. Platform stylists work for brands to promote styling techniques, tools or products. They start off by becoming certified by a brand in particular techniques or products. While attaining certifications is part of becoming a platform stylist, these beauty industry professionals must also be entertaining and engaging because they perform at trade shows in front of large audiences. Again, strong communication skills are an asset for this role.


Cosmetology schools need beauty industry professionals to teach students. Cosmetology educators are specially trained in not only how to cut and color hair, but they must be licensed as instructors. Instructors learn how to best teach students so they’ll understand this knowledge.

Are You Ready to Start Your Beauty Training?

Do you have what it takes to make a great hair stylist? If you answered yes, then you’re a perfect candidate for beauty school. At Evergreen Beauty College, we offer hands-on programs where you will learn technical skills, business training and fabulous designs to prepare you for this exciting business.

Learn more about our school by scheduling a tour of one of our three campuses, or contact us for more info about programs.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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