Guide to Summer Spa Treatments

Summer is rapidly approaching, so it’s time to start thinking about how you should adjust your beauty routine in preparation! Summer is a great time to look and feel your best, but it’s important to pay attention to changing weather conditions to make sure your body stays beautiful and healthy! We’ll cover some of the most important spa treatments you should seek out in the summertime, and even a few you should avoid!

Services to Try

There’s no time like the summertime if you want to try new treatments to take your skincare routine to the next level! Summer months typically mean hotter weather and drier air, so the following services are awesome for many people to incorporate into their routine for healthier and smoother skin. As with any treatment, make sure you consult with your esthetician before trying new skincare treatments!

Hydrating Facials

The most obvious side effect of summer weather is having drier skin. The heat of the sun pulls the moisture out of your skin and can leave it cracked and peeling. Facials can be specially formulated to help you fight summer weather conditions, and are especially recommended to people who live in more arid climates, such as our friends at our Yakima location. Keep your face extra moisturized during the summer months to keep your skin looking fresh and healthy!


Microdermabrasion is a treatment that removes the outer layer of the skin. This helps your skin stay healthy by removing dirt from clogged pores and reveal newer, healthier skin under the dead skin. This treatment is especially effective in the summer because your pores are more susceptible to collecting dirt from increased perspiration caused by higher summer temperatures. Keeping your face cleansed and free of organic debris can ensure that your face stays smooth, youthful, and blemish-free even during the hottest summer months!

If you’d prefer, you could also opt for a dermaplaning treatment. Dermaplaning is where the esthetician uses a sharp blade to remove the top layer of dead skin from the face. As an added bonus, it also removes unwanted hair from your face at the same time! Dermaplaning is similar to shaving, except instead of shaving hair, you’re shaving the dead skin from your face!


Hairless legs are a must-have during the summer months so you can confidently rock your favorite shorts and skirts. Shaving can be harsher on the skin, so waxing is the perfect alternative! Waxing more means you shave less, and it can help your skin stay smoother for longer! Estheticians generally offer waxing services for most parts of the body, so you don’t have to just stop at your legs! Less shaving means your skin loses less natural oil and stays more hydrated. Your skin will thank you for sparing the razor this summer in the search for silky smooth skin!

Services to Avoid

While you certainly can get most skincare treatments year-round, there are some services that could put your skin at greater risk of harm or complications during the summer. The following are treatments you should be careful with, especially if you live in a hot or dry summer climate. Your esthetician can help you decide what is safe and healthy for you!

Excessive Tanning

When the sun finally shines brightly during the summer, you might find yourself spending more time outside. If that’s the case, it could actually be dangerous to continue visiting tanning salons if it’s something you’ve been in the habit of doing during the winter! Keep a close watch on how much time you spend outside before returning to the tanning bed. Getting too many rays can increase the risk of developing skin cancer during the course of your lifetime, so it’s very important to tan in moderation!

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are an excellent way to rejuvenate your skin and get rid of old, dead skin layers. A chemical peel is when an esthetician applies a chemical to the face that causes old skin to blister and eventually peel off, almost like an artificial sunburn. The result is younger, smoother skin, but during the time where your new skin is recovering, you can be more susceptible to sunburns. If you get a deep chemical peel, or get them frequently, make sure you don’t expose yourself to the risk of sunburn! There may not yet be a new layer of skin to replace the current one if you burn!

Consult With Professionals

If you’re not sure if a treatment is right for you or your lifestyle, consult with your licensed esthetician. They are trained to recognize when treatments may be better or worse for their clients, so they can help you decide what is best for helping you to stay healthy and look beautiful. Good estheticians place the health of their clients above everything else, so they should have your best interest at heart!

Visit Evergreen’s Student Salon

Are you looking for some treatments to improve the way your skin looks and feels? Check out the Evergreen Beauty College student salon* page for more information on the services we offer. Student salons usually have more competitive pricing, so it’s a great way for you to try new services or start a new regimen to prepare for the summer!

If you are interested in learning more about Evergreen Beauty College and the beauty school programs we offer, visit our programs page for more information.

*All services are performed by students under the supervision of a licensed instructor.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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