How Much Does a Barber Earn?

barber shopBarbering is an occupation that has existed for thousands of years. It offers independence and the opportunity to control your own destiny. If you are considering barbering as a career, one of the first questions you will want to ask is what you can expect as a barbering salary. That is an appropriate question and its answer is dependent upon several factors.

Barbering has evolved and offers the opportunity for much more than just cutting men’s hair in limited styles. Offering styling and serving both male and female clientele expand the potentials for income. You will have the ability to select the mix of services with which you are most skilled and comfortable.

Training and Licensing For Barbers

Every state has licensing requirements for barbers. The specific requirements vary from state to state, with all requiring some degree of formal training. We provide that training at Evergreen, with conveniently scheduled classes. Our program teaches the skills you need and ensures you have practical experience in all aspects of barbering.

 What Determines A Barbering Salary

What you earn as a barber is going to depend on a number of factors. A barber is an independent contractor in most cases. As an independent, your income is going to first be determined by how hard you work. Additional factors include:

  • Where you work. What city and the area of the city and whether you work in a salon or barber shop greatly influence earnings.
  • The average charges for service. You will be able to complete a certain number of haircuts, shaves and other services per hour. The charges per service determine your earnings.
  • Your ability to build up a steady clientele. Regular customers are important and can mean a larger salary.
  • The experience you have. Building up your clientele and gaining experience will generate more income from services and tips.

Another major determining your barbering salary is whether you own your own shop, lease space or simply work on percentage.

Depending on these and other factors, a barber can anticipate an annual salary of $18,000 to $40,000. Barbers who own their own shops can make up to $100,000 annually.

How You Earn Your Barbering Salary

Barbering services that generate the majority of income are cutting hair, shaves and beard trims. Some shops offer shampoos and other related services. Adding other services can have a major impact on earnings. Your skill as a barber with various hair styles will be the biggest factor in generating regular customers and tips.

When prospective barbers ask how much does a barber earn, we always explain the many factors that go into that answer. At Evergreen you will be exposed to the many ways you can maximize your earnings as a barber. The short answer is that the barbering salary you can expect depends on you and how you approach your career as a barber.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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