How to Break in to the Beauty Industry

Thousands of people in the US dream of having a career in the beauty industry.  This is because the work is challenging yet rewarding.  In addition to that, economic experts have declared beauty services “recession proof”.  People are happy to spend money on beauty regardless of whether or not they are struggling financially.  The end result is that the industry is thriving and employees are in well-paid and stable positions.

What Drives People Towards the Beauty Industry?

While a small percentage of workers gravitate towards this field for job security, the vast majority simply love beauty and fashion.  Most beauty school graduates have a genuine interest in hair, nails, make-up, beauty products and beauty treatments.

There are several benefits that come with working in the field of beauty.  Some of these benefits are listed below.

  • Workers will have access to a wide range of beauty products and services for low prices.
  • The industry allows professionals to use their creativity.
  • There are a wide variety of jobs available.  For instance, job seekers can work at a salon or make-up counter.
  • Freelancers can work their own hours and set their own fees.
  • The skills taught in beauty school can be used anywhere in the world.

How to Get Started in the Beauty Industry

The first step to breaking into the industry is getting training preferably from an accredited cosmetology school.  While it was possible for beauticians to work without training in the past, this is no longer the case.  Most salons, schools and retail stores will only hire applicants who have both training and on-the-job experience.

Once job seekers have training, they can work in the following roles:

A beauty instructor.  People in this role are required to teach students beauty skills and prepare them for the workforce.  The ideal candidate will be confident and good at motivating others.

Self-employment.  A large number of students graduate and start their own business.  Some rent a premises while others work from home.  Another option is to have a mobile service.  The provider can either work in their van or go to the client’s home.

Sales.  The staff that work at make-up counters are professionally trained make-up artists.  Though they do get to apply make-up on their customers, their primary role is sales.  These jobs are suitable for people who have good customer service skills and sales drive.

Freelance work.  Freelancers set their own rates and pay their own taxes.  They often work at weddings and on film and television sets.

Becoming a beautician takes a lot of hard work and determination.  However, it is well worth the effort.  People in the beauty industry are generally very happy with their jobs.


Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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