How to Finally Get Paid For Great Hair

If you’ve always wanted to become a hair stylist, you’re in luck! There really is no better time to do so. Just think, you’ll finally get paid for great hair. Continue reading and take the advice of the following entrepreneurs who turned their passion into a career. If they can do it, you can too.

Look at Your Life

No matter what field you plan to get into, it’s important to find a career that you’re passionate about. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself working a job you have no interest in.

Akilah Hughes, writer and comedian from New York, says to look at your life and experiences when trying to decide what’s right for you. “If there’s ever a moment where you feel like, ‘ this is something I could do for the rest of my life without making a dollar,’ she says, “then I think that’s your passion.”

If you’ve ever felt like you could spend your whole life working with hair, then deciding to study hair school may be the best choice.

Choose a Good School

There are many great beauty colleges that offer hairstylist programs, but it’s important to find one where you can get a great education. For starters, make sure that the schools you are looking into are accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences.

The NACCAS is a national agency that makes sure that beauty schools meet national standards. There are many other factors you may want to consider when choosing a school. Contact the beauty schools you are interested in and see if you can schedule a tour or interview so you can get more information.

Start Your Journey Here

There’s no reason you can’t turn your talent of styling your own hair into  styling hair for others. As long as people have hair, there will be a need for professionals in the field. The money is good and every day is exciting.

At Evergreen Beauty College, you get hands-on training from staff members that work in the industry, as well as practical experience in our salon.  Learn more about our programs by scheduling a tour of the college, or by contacting us, and start your career off right!

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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