How to Select a Beauty Course That Aligns With Your Career Goals

beauty courseChoosing the right beauty course is generally the first step toward launching and maintaining a lucrative career in the beauty industry. However, with so many beauty schools claiming to offer the best beauty education, it may not be so easy to choose the right school. With that in mind, here are great tips on how to select a beauty course that aligns with your career goals:


Choose a course that offers a broad curriculum. A good school should offer key coursework subjects including structure and function of the skin, sanitation and hygiene, facials, makeup application, aromatherapy, facials, cosmetology theory, manicure and pedicure, hair growth patterns and distribution, hair chemical application, nail chemistry and physiology, public health safety, as well as massage techniques. Still, it is important to note that coursework subjects generally vary from one beauty institution to the other. However, a broad curriculum is important to ensure that you get a good grasp and deep understanding of beauty principles.

School Reputation

It is advisable to enroll in a reputable beauty school. In fact, according to statistics published by, the employment rate of students who graduate from reputable beauty schools range anywhere from 80 to 98%. Moreover, a school with a good reputation is likely to attract the best beauty instructors and tutors, meaning that students in such schools usually learn from the best in the industry.

Class Schedule

Make sure the course you choose offers a flexible class schedule. This is important especially for people who have to work during the day or take care of kids, for example. For such people, a course that allows students to attend classes at night or when they are free can make a huge difference. You may also come across courses that allow students to attend classes over the weekend instead of weekdays. Nevertheless, make sure the course schedule still allows you to fulfill your state’s minimum class attendance hours. Most states require beauticians to complete 600 hours of training before they graduate.

Hands-on Training

Hands on training allows students to hone their technical skills, gain experience, and boost their confidence levels. With this in mind, go for a course that offers as much hands on training as possible. This type of training usually occurs in a salon setting. In most cases, beginners practice on mannequins while students who are about to graduate work on paying clients under the supervision of professional instructors.

Internship/Job Placement Assistance

Find out whether the beauty course you would like to take comes with job placement assistance. According to a Forbes report, 69% of businesses with more than 100 employees absorbed their interns in 2012 and additionally, 66% of employers said that work experience and interview performance were the most important factors they considered when hiring new staff. These statistics show that internship/job placement can make the difference between finding work after finishing beauty school and languishing unemployed for months.


Tuition expenses for a beauty course can be as high as $20,000. For this reason, you should choose a course that you can comfortably afford. Alternatively, go for a course that offers financial assistance to students.

In summary, today, many cosmetology schools offer different beauty courses and most of them pitch their products aggressively to aspiring beauticians looking to enroll in beauty school. While choosing the right beauty course for you, you should consider key factors including cost, curriculum, hands on training, class scheduling, job placement, and school reputation. Finally, you may want to talk to a careers adviser about your career plans before you choose a beauty school. This is because a careers adviser would be able to help you choose a course that aligns with your career goals.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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