How Well Do You Know Your Evergreen Family? Take Our Quiz!


Our faculty & staff played two truths & a lie! Can you figure out which one is the lie? Take our quiz and select the response you think is a lie.

Were you able to figure out the lies? We have the results and explanations for you below.
Evergreen employee "Stephanie" smiling at camera
Stephanie AKA “Bro Steph” – Phase 2 Educator
Truth 1 – I went to cosmo school in Sherman Oaks, CA.
I attended the Paul Mitchell School.
Truth 2 – I was born in Portland, Oregon but my family never lived there. My parents lived in California and when they were pregnant with me and then they moved over to WA and their insurance didn’t carry over. For the last two months of the pregnancy they had to drive to Oregon because the insurance was covered there.
Lie – I have six siblings, one lives in Washington and all of the rest of them live in California. I actually only have three siblings. One lives in Washington and the other two live in California.

Evergreen employee "Zed" sitting in salon chair

Zewditu AKA “Zed” – Phase 3 Cosmetology Educator
Truth 1 – English is my second language. Everyone knows, even though my spelling and my pronunciation is great.
Truth 2 – I lived in Sudan as refugee. I fled from my country Ethiopia to Sudan at the end of 1985, then came to Canada in 1989, and to the USA in 1998.
Lie – I am buying a second salon soon. It is semi true if I am going forward with it. I am waiting for some clearance and checking the history behind the business.

Evergreen employee "Mike" sitting at his desk

Michael – Director of Admissions
Truth 1 – I coached baseball for 11 seasons. My team went to State 3 years in a row.
Truth 2 – I have been hit with not one but TWO foul balls at Safeco Field. I was sitting behind home plate and a ball was hit by Randy Winn (former Mariner) straight up and must have gone up 300 feet. It was making a whistling sound as it sped towards me. I reached up and the ball hit my right hand and fell into the lap of the fellow behind me. I couldn’t feel my hand for the next 5 innings. The second ball was a screaming line drive that hit me back in 1995. It was hit by John Olerud. That ball also went to the fellow next to me. Moral of the story is if you want a ball, go buy one! They hurt!
Lie – I got the chance to meet Jimmy Fallon when he was filming the movie “Fever Pitch” in 2010. I really did get to meet him, but it was actually in 2005. I was visiting Boston when he was filming the movie “Fever Pitch” in 2005. We were watching some of the filming and they needed extra’s and picked our section. He came out, along with Drew Barrymore and said “hello”.

Evergreen employees posing for picture

Melissa – Admissions Counselor
Truth 1 – I love avocados! I eat one avocado a day if not more.
Truth 2 – I broke my wrist in high school. During a Drill Team Competition in High School I fell during a stunt and broke my wrist.
Lie – I hate going grocery shopping. It’s my least favorite thing to do. I actually love it!

Evergreen employee "Jayna" smiling at camera

Jayna AKA “Miss Jay” – Admissions Counselor
Truth 1 – I collect Antiques from different small towns in different states.
Truth 2 – I helped my dad build a 1939 Ford pick up truck from the ground up. We used to take it to car shows. One year we won “Best in Show”.
Lie – I love gardening. Yuck! So much dirt and sweat.

Evergreen employee "Mimi" smiling at camera

Mimi – Educator/Floater in the company
Truth 1 – I was in two of Sir Mix-a-Lot’s music videos. I am friends with someone who was in his record label!
Truth 2 – When I first met Daniel (the love of my life), he didn’t have any tattoos. Now he’s covered from his head to his waist.
Lie – I passed my instructor’s license on the fourth try! I actually passed after only the third try!

Evergreen employee "Sonya" holding potted flower and smiling

Sonya – Esthetics 750 Instructor/ Massage Therapist/ Lash Artist/ Owner of Body Spa
Truth 1 – I started in 2008 as a solo entrepreneur Esthetician and now currently own a busy Day Spa located in Mukilteo with 13 employees.
Truth 2 – I performed at many establishments performing belly dancing routines.
Lie – I am the CEO of a global company located locally inside my tiny cubicle. Maybe I could be, but I have enough on my plate for now!

Evergreen employee "Raffi" sitting in salon chair smiling at camera

Raffaella AKA “Raffi” – Phase 1 Cosmo Educator
Truth 1 – I don’t like Reggae, I love it. Since I was a kid I’ve always had a deep admiration for Bob. Over the years, that blossomed into my musical obsession & I try to see as many live Reggae shows as possible every summer. I love the message of peace & tolerance Roots Reggae promotes.
Truth 2 – I’ve moved 27 times. Needless to say growing up, life was pretty hectic. I’ve lived more places than I can fully remember so I eventually gave up trying! Now I just count the total moves & try to keep the number from growing too much more.
Lie – I have 9 older siblings, all (including me) from the same parents.
I actually have 7 older siblings. All, including me, (making 8 kids total) to the same two maniacs who had us! We would have had 9 total but my mom lost one child after birth. Believe it or not, her goal was always 9. But after me we both almost died. Her Dr. finally said “No more ya crazy lady!” or something like that & finally got her to stop. 🙂

Evergreen employee "Sarah" sitting at desk smiling at camera

Sarah – Financial Counselor
Truth 1 – For my undergrad, I studied music. I play 7 instruments and am working on my 8th, and I sing a little.
Truth 2 – I hate corn. I loved it when I was younger, ate it every way you can think of, then somewhere along the way I stopped liking it. I want to like it – I love the way it looks, the way it smells, and I try it every time but I just don’t like it.
Lie – I have my pilot’s license. My Dad works for Boeing and is a plane nerd and it was something we did together. I don’t have it YET.

Evergreen employee "Lela" posing with friends outside near a fountain

Lela – ME Educator
Truth 1 – I love cats, always have. I have never not had a cat, and will probably die with a house full of them!
Truth 2 – I’ve ridden in a police car with Santa Claus. My dad was a police chaplain, and at Christmas an officer would dress as Santa and we would deliver presents to kids whose parents couldn’t afford them.
Lie – I was an MMA fighter, and the men were scared to fight me. I actually just studied MMA. All the men in the class were scared of me because I wasn’t intimidated by the size difference.

Now you’ve learned a little more about our staff. Want to learn more about Evergreen’s owners?

Or check out some of our recent blog posts highlighting student success stories!

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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