Is a Career in Beauty Right for You?

There are great job opportunities in the beauty industry, but how do you know that a career in beauty is the right choice? The beauty, spa and wellness industries keep growing, and the job opportunities are increasingly varied. Beauty professionals work in a wide range of different environments.

Considerations For a Career in Beauty Right

Based on surveys there are certain characteristics that make a good beautician. These include:

  • Creativity
  • Flexibility
  • The ability to work with others
  • Entrepreneurial spirit

What Do You Need for a Career in Beauty

  1. Everyone can learn the same basic skills and techniques when training in beauty schools, but creative people suit this field especially well. Creativity is needed in hair styling, in makeup and in skin care. As a makeup artist or a hair stylist you will definitely benefit from being creative, but many beauticians also become beauty consultants and open their own businesses.
  2. You should like working with others. You will need to enjoy meeting new people, because you will be working with people all the time. You will meet a wide variety of people daily, and you will be talking to them about their skin, their hair and their lifestyle.

    Estheticians, those who specialize in skin care, must be able to talk to people in a sensitive way about their skin and their skin problems.

  3. You should have some entrepreneurial spirit. Many beauticians start by working in a beauty salon or a spa, but many also go on to manage a salon or to open their own businesses.

    As many as one in three beauty professionals own their own business. Some beauticians end up working in marketing or as independent beauty consultants. If you are interested in running your own business and being independent, there are many more career options in the beauty industry than simply working in a salon or a spa.

  4. It is good to be flexible. If you like independence and running your own business, beauty industry is a good choice for you. Many beauticians work as independent contractors or open their own salons, and create their own work/life balance. There are opportunities for full-time and part-time work in this industry.

Tips for Choosing a Career in Beauty

The beauty industry is now very varied. It includes skin care, hair care, hair styling, makeup, manicures and pedicures. If you train to work as an esthetician or get a job in the spa industry, you can also train to do body treatments (such as body scrubs and wraps) and other spa treatments including massages.

Evergreen Beauty School’s cosmetology courses teach you all about hairdressing and hairstyling, beauty treatments, skin care, manicures and pedicures. We will also cover different aspects of a beauty career, such as setting up your own business.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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