Is It Time For You to Open Your Own Salon?
It is a very personal decision to make the big move and open your own salon. There are several factors that determine how, when, and if you should open your own salon. Here’s what you need to know and to ask yourself before making the move.
Do You Have Any Desire to Be Your Own Boss?
This is probably the most important question you’ll have to ask yourself. If you’re comfortable with the job you have and you’re not interested in taking on the risk of opening your own salon, then it’s time to reevaluate your priorities. If you’re only considering opening a salon for the benefit of others, you will be doing yourself and your clients a disservice.
Do You Have the Capital to Support Yourself, Employees, and Outfit the Salon?
Starting any business involves having or raising start-up capital. This is the money needed to secure a salon location, acquire all of the building permits needed, buy salon equipment, decorate, get any additional training required, advertise, find and hire employees, oh, and pay yourself for all that hard work! This is a big life decision, and taking the time to evaluate your current position and desires will help you work towards your goal of opening your own salon.
Have You Built up Your Skills?
This is a big one. You need to look at what you’ve learned over your years in the industry, and determine if you are honestly a master of each of your specialties. This is important because, as salon owner, you won’t have anyone to consult when working with difficult clients, or clients with unique situations. In fact, if you choose to hire employees for your salon, you will be the leader, and thus the one all of your employees look up to for advice and consultation.
How about Business Skills?
Since you’ll officially be a business owner, you also need to have some business savvy. Before you open your own salon, it is a good idea to reach out to business mentors — people who you respect in the beauty industry — and ask them questions about how they got started. You can ask: how they opened their first salon, what roadblocks did they encounter, and any other questions you can think of.
Consider all of the pros and cons of opening a salon, and if being your own boss, working on the business end of all of your salon’s relations, and being a leader to others looks like a good, desirable option, then it might be time for you to finally open your own salon.
Let Us Help You Be Your Own Boss
You’re never too old to open your own salon. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet new people, show off your creativity and artistic abilities and earn a lucrative income. At Evergreen Beauty College, we know that quality training is vital in the beauty industry. It is for this reason that we offer hands on programs aimed at improving the skills of our students as well as offer business training so that they can start their own businesses.
Learn more about our school by scheduling a tour of one of our three campuses, or contact us for more info.