Marketing Tips for a Salon Business

marketing-salon-evergreen-beauty-collegeAttracting new clients and retaining them is the lifeline of every enterprise. Without an established client base, no business can survive competition in the marketplace. If you own a salon, it is important that you keep a steady flow of customers; otherwise, your income will not allow you to keep up with the expenses, and you may end up closing your business as a result. Although your beauty school training may have provided the practical skills to succeed, your marketing will ultimately determine your business’ fate.

As such, you need to identify cost effective marketing ideas that will help you ensure a steady flow of clients to your business. Remember, when it comes to the beauty industry, it is not just about selling your services, but also giving your clients what they are looking for.

Cost Effective Salon Marketing Tips

Here are cost effective salon marketing tips that can help you attract customers and keep your beauty business up and running.

1. Partner With Other Industry Players

When spreading the word about your business, consider working in partnership with other beauty service providers. For instance, you can leave your brochures at the local spa, local women’s fitness facility and even at the local hair removal center. Through such partnerships, you can exchange marketing leaflets, thus acquiring new clients in the process.

2. Be Proactive

Volunteering is a great way of marketing any kind of business, and salon marketing is no different. In order to attract new clients while demonstrating the community spirit, consider participating at local rallies and fundraisers for hair-related causes such as a wigs for kids program or a local cancer awareness program. These platforms will certainly create a great opportunity for showcasing your services to potential clients while promoting your brand.

3. Offer Amazing Deals

Consumers love two things: freebies and savings. When it comes to marketing your salon business, both are surefire ways of attracting customers. Try promoting a “buy one, get one” program where for every adult hair appointment that is worth a certain amount of money, the client receives a free bonus gift.

The bonus can be in the form of discounts on future treatments, cosmetic products or even free hair treatment for children under the age of 12.

4. Hand Outs With Heart

In order to market your salon business successfully, you need to be ready to do some legwork; but, do not fret, this does not mean moving from door to door. Come up with a simple but creative handout that you will give to passersby outside your business’ entrance. A flower tied with some ribbon and a coupon can be an excellent choice. Ladies do appreciate floral gifts and you may not spend a lot of money if you purchase them in large quantities.

Coming up with unique and cost-effective salon marketing techniques can feel like a daunting task. However, you need to note that a successful marketing technique does not have to cost you an arm and a leg. These four simple but effective marketing ideas can help you attract clients and grow your salon business.

For more ideas, you can visit this site, or for a more comprehensive business training program, consider Evergreen Beauty College, who can provide practical skill and business training for aspiring salon owners.

Contact us for more information on how you can get started today! 

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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Kim Howells
Kim Howells
11 years ago

Discounts can be a slippery slope if not done in moderation. They can often only attract the clientele that are looking for deals and not apt to be enticed by any upsells.

Value adding instead of price reducing can be a more lucrative practice.


11 years ago

tips are really helped me, thank you for sharing…

Marketing Consultants
Marketing Consultants
10 years ago

I am trying all the tips for my salon. I think these tips are going to helpful for my business. Thanks a lot for sharing.