Nail Care for Men: Is It Any Different?

Nail care for men is an important topic. Women typically spend more time caring for their nails than men.

Interestingly, men’s nails grow faster and thicker than women. Therefore, men need to make sure that they do not neglect their nails. Below are some things that men can do to care for their nails:

Nail Care for Men Tip 1- Protect Your Nails

Gardening, washing dishes and doing housework can damage the cuticles. That is why it is important for men to make sure that they wear latex gloves while they are performing those activities.

A man also needs to make sure that he washes his hands after he takes off the gloves.

Nail Care Tip-2 Moisturize the Cuticles

Dry cuticles are prone to breakage. Moisturizing the cuticles will help prevent this problem. Men also need to moisturize the areas around the cuticle.

Wear Sunscreen

The UV rays from the sun can damage the cuticles and hands. That is why men want to make sure that they apply sunscreen if they will be spending a lot of time out in the sun. The sunscreen will need to be reapplied every time a man washes his hands.

Do Not Use Nail Care Products That Contain Harsh Ingredients

Toluene and formaldehyde are examples of harsh ingredients. These ingredients are not only bad for the nails, but they are also bad for the entire body. For those reasons, men should avoid using products that contain either one of those ingredients.

Get a Manicure Regularly

Many men are reluctant to get a manicure because they think that it is a feminine thing to do. However, getting a manicure regularly is one of the simplest things that men can do to care for their nails. Men do not even have to go to the salon to get a manicure. They can trim and shape their own nails at home. Trimming the nails helps keep the looking neat.

Treat Nail Infections As Soon As Possible

Even if a man is meticulous about caring for his nails, he could still develop a fungal infection. Nail fungus can quickly spread to other parts of the body. That is why a man wants to make sure that he gets a nail fungus infection treated as soon as possible. There are a number of over-the-counter and prescription creams and ointments available to treat nail fungus.

Do You Want A Career In Nail Care?

If you are interested in helping people care for their nails, then you should definitely consider becoming a nail technician. A nail technician spends his or her entire day performing pedicures and manicures. We at Evergreen Beauty College have all the courses that you need to make your dreams of having a career in nail care come true. What are you waiting for, call us today and kick start your career as a nail technician.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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