Need a Haircut? Try a Beauty School Salon

beauty school salonIn cosmetology school, students learn to cut and style hair, give perms, apply color and many other types of hair treatments. In order to practice the techniques and methods they’ve learned, beauty schools run salons. In these on-campus salons, the students work with real clients. Each cut, color or style is supervised by a licensed beauty instructor, who is also an experienced cosmetologist. But the cut itself is done by the student. Not only is this a great way to support your local beauty school, it’s also a great way to get an inexpensive haircut.

About the Students

Every cosmetology student begins their education with lecture style lessons, and practicing the new techniques on a dummy head. As they advance and learn to master more and more of these techniques, they become more and more competent. Once they are able to work with the dummy head with a high level of skill, their instructor will approve them to work hands-on with clients in the beauty school salon.

About Their Services

Some schools only have cosmetology training, which means their salons only offer shampooing, hair cutting and styling, chemical treatments and hair-related services. Others have many more departments, though, and may offer additional services. Schools with an esthetics department usually also offer facials, hair removal and makeup application. Some even offer therapeutic massage. Manicures and pedicures may also be provided, if the school has nail technology training available. To find out more about what is offered at your local beauty college student salon, call the school.

Pros and Cons

Perhaps the biggest advantage of going to a student salon is the significantly lower cost. It is not unusual to pay less than half of the cost for a haircut or style than at a traditional salon, and get the same stylish, hip haircut. Many schools also do not allow tipping, so you will save money there, too. The downside is that students often take longer than professional stylists. Not only do they lack the experience of a seasoned veteran, but they are working with an instructor who will give feedback as the appointment progresses. Another drawback is that you aren’t very likely to see the same stylist twice. They will complete their training and earn their state license, moving on to a professional salon. Of course, another student will be there to take their place and offer you the same services at a great price next time.

Evergreen Beauty School Salon offers inexpensive haircuts, facials, makeovers and nail treatments. Contact us today for an appointment or more information. Our students are well-trained and known for being some of the best in the industry. This, paired with our pricing structure, means that you will get great cosmetology services at a price that can’t be beat.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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Brittany Richeson
Brittany Richeson
5 years ago

For hair services do you allow refunds if it turns out bad?

2 months ago

Where can I find more information on how to sign up for one of these cheap haircuts