Shifting Gears to Become a Cosmetology School Instructor

Despite a fragile economy, the beauty industry defied all odds to grow at a fantastic rate. People are taking notice and enrolling in cosmetology schools in droves — all for a chance to start a new career and unleash their creativity. The influx of students has also opened more doors for qualified instructors. Veterans in the industry may wish to try their hand at another challenge and a chance to influence the next generation of stylists. Requirements vary from state to state just like other professions. There are those that ask for a certificate and others that mandate a special license plus added training.

License Requirements for Cosmetology School Instructors

Before a person can become a cosmetology school instructor, he or she must first obtain a cosmetology license and practice for a certain amount of time as directed by the state. The process can only start after graduation from high school as a diploma is necessary to enter a beauty school. The individual must pass the entrance exam for that school, complete the course, and get a certificate. Then it is possible to take a licensure exam for cosmetology. Going to a good school that provides excellent training and facilities is essential. This will enable students to develop the skills and confidence needed to succeed in the business.

Essential Work Experience for Instructors

A prospective cosmetology school instructor will have to do field work for a minimum of 800 hours before he or she can be considered for the job. Applicants must also show proof of holding a license for at least 6 months. Be aware that some states have higher requirements for instructors such as spending five years in the industry. This is to ensure that the person has sufficient practical knowledge of the real world scenarios. The pertinent details may be found on the local state board’s website. Call them for any questions and clarifications.

Transfers from One State to Another

There are cases wherein a person has trained in state A but wishes to work as an instructor in state B. Transfers like this are entirely possible but there might be  a lot of paperwork involved depending on the states concerned. Some follow a rule of reciprocity so licenses given in one are automatically recognized in another. Presenting a proof of license is enough. Other states ask applicants for the instructor position to prove themselves by undergoing additional training hours.

How to Get a Job as a Cosmetology School Instructor

Identify an area wherein you wish to practice and look up which beauty schools are located there. Browse their sites to get a feel for each campus and schedule a visit if possible. Ask friends and other professional contacts for feedback. Submit an application containing your training details, work experience and references.

Evergreen Beauty College offers esthetics and cosmetology programs. Contact us for more information.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

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