Staring A Business Once Receiving A Cosmetology License

With a cosmetology license, you can finally enter the beauty industry with poise and confidence. Many of your peers will probably try to apply in a local salon but that is not the only option available. You can, for instance, start your own business and run it the way you’ve always dreamed of.

Starting A Beauty Salon After Receiving Your Cosmetology License

Believe that it’s possible to start you own salon and it will come to be as long as you pour your passion into the project. Here are some helpful steps to get you under way.

Create a Business Plan

Begin by doing a lot of research. Leave no stone unturned to avoid surprises later on. Read online resources to find out the requirements for putting up a business in your area, specifically a salon of the kind that you have in mind. Note the necessary paperwork and be diligent about sorting them out.

Ask experts for advice on the matter like instructors at beauty school and others in your network. Even friends and family could give valuable tips. Use their inputs to craft a solid business plan that details the concept of the salon and the way in which you intend to run it.

Obtain the Funds

You don’t have to be incredibly rich to start your own business. There are plenty of sources of funds for budding young entrepreneurs. Try to apply for a bank loan to get a seed fund. A good business plan will work wonders to convince the bank of its viability. Another option is to get financing from the Small Business Administration or SBA.

Both loans require having a good credit score so be sure to put your finances in order before you approach them. They can also take some time to process which means that patience is a must. If you own property, you may opt to get a home equity loan. However, this could be a very risky move as it will be repossessed if you default on your payments. Launching a kickstarter fund drive online is another method worth exploring.

Set Up the Shop

Once you get enough funds and all the paperwork is complete, then start hunting for a good location and jazz up the site to make attractive to your target market. Be unique and innovative in the design. Let your personality shine through and make things interesting for passersby. Purchase the necessary equipment like chairs and tools for beauticians.

Hire your staff and train them well. Initially, this might consist of you and a couple of friends. As the business gets bigger, you can hire more people to meet the growing demand.

How Evergreen Can Help You Obtain Your Cosmetology License

Are you dreaming of having your own salon? Then train with us at the Evergreen Beauty College to get the right skills and make industry connections that will help you achieve your goal. Through our high level training, you will be able to acquire a cosmetology license and start a promising career. Contact us for more information on how you can get started today!

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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