There are 220,600 Annual Job Openings in Beauty. Here’s Where to Find Them

Great news, beauty job openings are plentiful. In fact, there are approximately 220,600 available job openings annually. It really is an excellent time to consider going to beauty school.

You have the choice of working in a salon setting or starting your own business. There’s no limit to the amount of money that can be made. Continue reading, to learn a bit more about where to find this type of employment. It’s probably easier than you think.

Employment Opportunities

The number of jobs available in the beauty industry is growing faster than the national average, and is expected to continue to do so until 2022. By then, there are expected to be nearly 700,000 hair stylist and cosmetologist jobs in the US.

Texas has the highest annual rate of job openings, with 1,800 new positions becoming available every year. California and New York are next on the list, with each state experiencing around 1,500 job openings annually.

Although these states see the most job openings annually, the states with the highest projected employment growth rate are Utah, Georgia, and Delaware. In each of these states, the number of beauty job openings is expected to increase by about 25 percent.

Earning Potential

The average earning potential for a professional beautician depends on several factors, including location. According to an infographic on, Washington, D.C. is the state where cosmetologists have the potential to earn the most. Here, beauticians earn an average of $22.85 an hour. This is more than double the national median hourly wage for barbers and cosmetologists in 2012.

Other states with an excellent average earning potential include Hawaii, Connecticut, and Vermont. Cosmetologists in these states can expect to make around $15 an hour.


The length and amount of training required to become a licensed cosmetologist differs from state to state. The average cosmetology program in the US takes around 12 months to complete. However, some states (including Nebraska, Iowa,  and South Dakota) can take as much as twice the time.

What’s Next?

Now that you better understand where to find beauty job openings and opportunities, why not take the time to learn more about the enrollment process and school itself? Evergreen Beauty College is waiting to speak with you about a possible beauty career.

If you love to help people look and feel their best, cosmetology or another beauty-related specialty could be for you! Why not take a chance today?

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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