Top 5 Reasons to go to Cosmetology School This Year

Are you thinking of going to cosmetology school?

Don’t delay because now is the best time to do it. Make your dreams come true by taking classes at a prestigious institution that can provide you with the skills, the knowhow, and the connections to make it big in the industry. By enrolling in a certification program, you get the following benefits:

A Wealth of Opportunities

Labor statistics paint a rosy picture for cosmetologists. The economic downturn a few years ago did not affect the industry as much as others. Time and again, it has shown incredible resilience in the face of enormous financial pressures. Now that things are getting better, the government projects that the demand for cosmetology graduates will increase at a rapid rate. Salons will need more stylists and other beauty experts to provide services to an ever expanding clientele. People have realized that looking good on the outside makes them feel good on the inside, enhancing their lives in so many ways.

Fast Track to Employment

Cosmetology programs last just a few months instead of years. Every state has its own standards for the minimum number of training hours required but most courses last between 5 to 9 months. Studying full-time allows a person to complete the program more quickly.  Graduates can apply for a license right away and begin practicing once they pass the state’s board exam.

Creative Release

Creative people will love going to cosmetology school. Every day brings new challenges that will broaden their horizon. Although some lectures will be highly technical, much of the school work will be artistic in nature. Styling calls for creative flair so those with a vivid imagination should have a lot of fun. Once they are out in the real world, potential employers will appreciate their unique vision and sense of style.

Flexible Schedules

Cosmetologists usually have more freedom to choose their working hours compared to the rest of the labor force. Salon shifts are not very rigid and swaps are common among coworkers. Freelance stylists have it even better as they have complete control over their daily schedule. This makes the profession highly attractive to parents who want to spend more time at home with their family.

Make People Smile

If you do a good job, then your clients will be ecstatic. Not many professions provide so many chances to make people happy as part of the job. It might not seem much but giving them the look that they have always wanted or solving nagging cosmetic problems can truly make a big difference.

This much is obvious when you see the twinkle in their eyes and the smile on their lips.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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