Using A Beauty School Salon

Although classroom theory and practice are important, there is nothing like hands on experience, and servicing actual clients is an important part of the curriculum at the typical beauty school salon.

Allowing these students to cut or style your hair will allow you to play an important role in the process; it is no exaggeration to say that you are helping your student achieve his or her goal.

6 Reasons Why Beauty School Salons Are A Great Option

The following reasons should help convince you why you should go to a beauty school salon for your next haircut, rather than your regular salon:

Fresh & Trendy Approach

Most of us want a fresh and exciting look some or all of the time, and if you visit a salon school staffed by students, you can be assured that they will have some fresh, trendy and exciting ideas and suggestions. Young people are generally more in touch with what is trendy and in fashion, than your older stylist who has been working for many years.

Supervised Experience

A surprising number of stylists in chain salons have very little experience, whereas the students in a beauty school salon are closely supervised and monitored by a licensed professional. You are actually in better hands most of the time if you volunteer to have a student work on your hair, and you may be surprised at just how great looking the result is.

The Newest Beauty Products

Many beauty product companies consider the schools to be an important training ground for their newest products or techniques, and you can be assured that products, supplies and practices are always completely up to date. Things such as skin care products, hair color formulation and take home hair care products are actually far more likely to be up to date and more widely available at your local beauty school salon, rather than the salon in your mall.

Disinfection and Sanitization

Many beauty schools place an emphasis on the correct procedures for disinfection and sanitization, and you can assume that the school you choose is both safe and clean.

Practice Makes Perfect

Most students need hands on training in addition to classroom education, and being able to ‘practice’ on a paying customer is invaluable experience. You are making an important contribution to the beauty industry in general, as well as helping a beauty student to achieve their goal.

Save Some Money

Last, and certainly not least, you save money, as it will cost you significantly less to have a beauty salon student cut or style your hair. Everybody wins!

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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