What Kind of an Investment Is It to Join a Hair Design School?

Anytime you’re looking into post-secondary education, you may need to consider the costs associated with it. Post-secondary education should be an investment, which means you’ll eventually be able to pay back the initial setup costs, but that doesn’t mean the investment should be one you take lightly. The same holds true with a hair design program; because it’s a trade, it could pay off more readily, but you need to make sure you’re ready for it. If you’re wondering about the costs for a hair design program, here are the most important things to pay attention to.

1. Potential Moving Costs

The first investment cost you may not have thought of is any moving costs you may accrue if you’re going to move closer to a specific hair design school. There are some pros to moving and some cons to moving, and one of the main cons is that it can be expensive.

Remember that you should ideally attend a hair design school in the area you’re planning to practice because that will help you network and get what you need to pass licensing exams in the state. You don’t want to move too far away from where you’re hoping to practice.

2. Tuition

This is the cost most people will think of when they think about the cost of higher education. It’s true that tuition is a significant amount of the cost that you’ll end up paying, but it doesn’t have to be unmanageable.

Tuition is something you can get help with, whether it’s with scholarships, monthly payment programs, or even federal grants. Financial aid through a hair design provider like Evergreen Beauty College is a great way to reduce the amount of money you might otherwise need for your hair design education.

3. Room and Board

Another major investment cost you may not have considered is the cost of room and board. While you’re going to school, where are you going to stay? What are you going to eat? How are you going to pay for these?

Your room and board are basic costs that you’ll have to factor into your investment needs. If you’re living with your parents or with someone else, you may have reduced room and board costs, but if you’re living on your own, you’ll need to find some way to pay for your room and board on top of your other tuition costs.

4. Educational & Testing Costs

These are tertiary costs that may not have a direct relation to your tuition but are still important to keep in mind. For example, if there are additional fees you have to pay for textbooks or hairstyling mannequins, you may need to cover those fees on your own. One particular cost that is unique to a trade school versus a traditional post-secondary school is state board exam fees that can be a couple hundred dollars at the end of your program as well as your application fee to obtain your license. These are not fees that go to the school, rather fees you pay the state to allow you to legally work as a hair designer.

It’s important to keep these tertiary costs in mind when you’re thinking about how you’re going to pay for your school experience. When you contact any hair design schools you might want to attend, ask them if there are any additional fees after you pay for tuition, or if tuition covers all those additional costs.


Higher or post-secondary education isn’t something you should enter into without a lot of thought and knowledge about what it means for you. Information about the cost of your education is something you should collect while you’re learning more about beauty education as a whole to ensure you have the right expectations and plan accordingly to make ends meet. There is nothing more expensive than starting school and not able to finish.  Regardless of what program you end up choosing, you might want to request more information from Evergreen Beauty College on why one of these programs may be best for your needs and ask you the right questions to anticipate and plan for a successful schooling experience.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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